Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology


Volume 71, Issue 1, 2021 jan–feb

71(1), 2021 jan–feb

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A call for more pediatric anesthesia research Vinícius Caldeira Quintão, Maria José Carvalho Carmona Editorial


Clinical Research
Intraoperative clonidine to prevent postoperative emergence delirium following sevoflurane anesthesia in pediatric patients: a randomized clinical trial Fernando A. Sousa-Júnior, Alex S.R. Souza, Luciana C. Lima, Ítalo G.M. Santos, Leonardo A.P. Menezes, Pedro A.P.L. Ratis, Tania C.M. Couceiro Clinical Research
Airway patency in children undergoing magnetic resonance imaging using neck collars: a single center, randomized, double-blind, prospective study Gulseren Yilmaz, Kenan Varol, Osman Esen, Arda Kayhan, Ziya Salihoglu Clinical Research
Cross-cultural adaptation, analysis of psychometric properties and validation of the Spanish version of a perioperative satisfaction questionnaire (EVAN-G) Inmaculada Benítez-Linero, Guiomar Fernández-Castellano, Ana Senent-Boza, Francisco Sánchez-Carrillo, Fernando Docobo-Durantez Clinical Research
Predictors of mortality of trauma patients admitted to the ICU: a retrospective observational study Matthaios Papadimitriou-Olivgeris, Eleftheria Panteli, Kyriaki Koutsileou, Maria Boulovana, Anastasia Zotou, Markos Marangos, Fotini Fligou Clinical Research
Clinical utility of epidural volume extension following reduced intrathecal doses: a randomized controlled trial Asha Tyagi, Mukundan Ramanujam, Ashok Kumar Sethi, Medha Mohta Clinical Research
Residual neuromuscular blockade and late neuromuscular blockade at the post-anesthetic recovery unit: prospective cohort study Pedro Marcos Silva e Gonçalves, Alexandra de Vasconcelos Vieira, Claudia Helena Ribeiro da Silva, Renato Santiago Gomez Clinical Research
Ultrasound-guided pectoral nerve block for pain control after breast augmentation: a randomized clinical study Bahadır Ciftci, Mursel Ekinci, Erkan Cem Celik, Pelin Karaaslan, Ismail Cem Tukac Clinical Research
Renal injury after open versus laparoscopic non-cardiac surgery: a retrospective cohort analysis Hani Essber, Barak Cohen, Amanda S. Artis, Steve M. Leung, Kamal Maheswari, Mohammad Zafeer Khan, Daniel I. Sessler, Alparslan Turan, Kurt Ruetzler Clinical Research
Effects of intraoperative adrenergic administration on postoperative hyperlactatemia in open colon surgery: an observational study Eduardo Tobar, Rodrigo Cornejo, Jaime Godoy, Mario Abedrapo, Gabriel Cavada, Daniel Tobar Clinical Research

Narrative Review
Perioperative hyperfibrinolysis—physiology and pathophysiology David Silveira Marinho Narrative Review

Case Report
Latex anaphylaxis in a recipient child during kidney transplant performed in a latex-free environment: case report Magda Lourenço Fernandes, Daniel Werneck Pessoa, Isadora Del'Asta, Mirella Pereira Oliveira, Lúcio Lourenço Moreira Case Report
Anesthesia for bariatric surgery in patient with mitochondrial myopathy – case report Carlos Eduardo Coimbra Melonio, Ciro Bezerra Vieira, Plínio C. Leal, Caio Marcio B. de Oliveira, Elizabeth T.N. Servín, Lyvia Maria Rodrigues de Sousa Gomes, Ed Carlos R. Moura Case Report

Letter to the Editor
Cough and laryngospasm prevention during orotracheal extubation in children with SARS-CoV-2 infection Alexander Trujillo Mejía, Carlos Felipe Isaza Letter to the Editor
Sedation during mechanical ventilation of COVID-19 patients in intensive care units into operating rooms Igor Pedrosa Saffier; Rafael P. Kayano Letter to the Editor
Is Bordetella pertussis co-infecting SARS-CoV-2 patients? Samuele Renzi, Massimo Clementi, Sara Racca, Milena Mucci, Paolo Beccaria, Giovanni Borghi, Giovanni Landoni, Alberto Zangrillo Letter to the Editor
Potentially disastrous reversal of neuromuscular block agents before removing Mayfield head holder Christiano dos Santos e Santos, Caio Freire Benjamin Vianna, Ruy Castro Monteiro da Silva Filho Letter to the Editor
Subjective method for tracheal tube cuff inflation: Time to bid adieu Gauri Raman Gangakhedkar, Talisa M. Fernandes Letter to the Editor

Braz J Anesthesiol

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