Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology


Volume 59, Issue 1, 2009

59(1), 2009


Indexation Judymara Lauzi Gozzani editorial

Letter to the Editor

Reply Dr. Paulo Vasconcelos Letter to the Editor
Continuous infusion of remifentanil vs. sufentanil in videolaparoscopic surgeries. A comparative study Dr. Fernando Squeff Nora, Dr. Ricardo Simoni Letter to the Editor


Death notice Dr. Deoclecio Tonelli Necrology

Scientific Article
Ephedrine versus phenylephrine: prevention of hypotension during spinal block for cesarean section and effects on the fetus Edno Magalhães; Catia Sousa Govêia; Luís Cláudio de Araújo Ladeira; Bruno Góis Nascimento; Sérgio Murilo Cavalcante Kluthcouski Scientific Article
Comparison of the FiO2 delivered by seven models of the self-inflating bag-mask system Armando Carlos Franco de Godoy; Ronan José Vieira Scientific Article
Oral midazolam as pre-anesthetic medication in children and teenagers with cerebral palsy: a comparative study on the variations of the bispectral index Verônica Vieira da Costa; Rafael Villela Silva Derré Torres; Érika Carvalho Pires Arci; Renato Ângelo Saraiva Scientific Article
Impact of induced cardiac arrest on cognitive function after implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator Mauro Prado da Silva; Luiz Antonio Rivetti; Lígia Andrade Silva Telles Mathias; Guilherme Cagno; Christiano Matsui Scientific Article
A study on electrocardiographic changes secondary to the use of tricyclic antidepressants in patients with chronic pain Ricardo Joaquim da Cunha Jr.; Louis Barrucand; Nubia Verçosa Scientific Article

Clinical Information
Transfusion-related acute lung injury (Trali) after mastectomy with microsur-gical breast reconstruction Beatriz Garcia Sluminsky; Ranger Cavalcante da Silva Clinical Information
Anesthetic management of a patient with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome): case report Alexandre Palmeira Goulart; Eduardo Toshiyuki Moro; Valter Moreno Guasti; Régis Faria Colares Clinical Information
Anesthesia for bariatric surgery in an achondroplastic dwarf with morbid obesity Maria Angélica Abrão; Vinícius Gomes da Silveira; Carlos Frederico Loretti Vaz de Almeida Barcellos; Roberta Costa Marques Cosenza; João Régis Ivar Carneiro Clinical Information

Review Article
Review of the use of gabapentin in the control of postoperative pain Jefferson Clivatti; Rioko Kimiko Sakata; Adriana Machado Issy Review Article
When the bispectral index (Bis) can give false results Leonardo Teixeira Domingues Duarte; Renato Ângelo Saraiva Review Article
Occupational exposure to anesthetic gases residue Carlos Rogério Degrandi Oliveira Review Article

Braz J Anesthesiol

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