Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology


Volume 73, Issue 6, 2023

73(6), 2023

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Ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia: present trends and future directions Sara Amaral, Amit Pawa Editorial
Opioid administration and rescue dose: exploring the effects of opioid combinations   Durval C. Kraychete, André P. Schmidt, Anna Karla N. Souza, Guilherme A.M. de Barros Editorial

Original Investigation
Supra-inguinal fascia iliaca block in older-old patients for hip fractures: a retrospective study Cagla Bali, Ozlem Ozmete Original Investigation
Efficacy of ultrasound-guided infiltration with levobupivacaine and triamcinolone for myofascial pain syndrome of the quadratus lumborum: a retrospective observational study Anabela Barreto Silva; Nuno Malheiro; Belinda Oliveira; Diamantino Pereira; Filipe Antunes; Joana Borges; Ana Cristina Cunha Original Investigation
Effectiveness and safety of ultra-low-dose spinal anesthesia versus perineal blocks in hemorroidectomy and anal fistula surgery: a randomized controlled trial Rafael Peterson Soares Santos, Alfredo Dias de Oliveira-Filho, Manoel Álvaro de Freitas Lins Neto, Lucas Correia Lins, Fabiano Timbó Barbosa, Sabrina Joany Felizardo Neves Original Investigation
Dexmedetomidine versus sufentanil as adjuvants to bupivacaine for brachial plexus block during upper extremity surgery: a randomized clinical trial Ali Ghasemi, Mohsen Chamanara, Babak Paknejad, Mojtaba Yousefizoshk, Ebrahim Hazrati Original Investigation
Perineural low dexamethasone dose as adjuvant in supraclavicular brachial plexus block for arteriovenous fistula creation in end stage renal disease: a randomized controlled trial Aparna Pande, Indu Mohini Sen, Aakriti Gupta, Ankur Gupta, Ashish Sharma Original Investigation
Safety and efficacy of target-controlled infusion versus intermittent bolus administration of propofol for sedation in colonoscopy: a randomized controlled trial Igor Seror Cuiabano, Priscila de Miranda Garbin, Norma Sueli Pinheiro Módolo, Paulo do Nascimento Junior Original Investigation
Rider sitting position widens lumbar intervertebral distance: a prospective observational study Melike Korkmaz Toker, Basak Altıparmak, Ali ˙Ihsan Uysal, Mustafa Turan, Semra Gumus Demirbilek Original Investigation
Association between telomere length in the DNA of peripheral blood leukocytes and the propofol dose in anesthesia induction: an observational study Yan Xu, Chuang Bo Xie, Jing Yang, Yong Ji Xing, Wei Ping Xia, Yang Liu, Wen Bin Xi, Zhao Ju Li, Wei Feng Tu, Jun Long Zhang Original Investigation
The effects of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) application on optic nerve sheath diameter in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a randomized trial Seher Yanatma, Reyhan Polat, Mehmet Murat Sayın, Safinaz Karabayırlı Original Investigation
Investigating preoperative myoglobin level as predictive factor for acute kidney injury following cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass: a retrospective observational study Kuen Su Lee, Hyun Joong Kim, Yoon Sook Lee, Yoon Ji Choi, Sang Min Yoon, Woon Young Kim, Jae Hwan Kim Original Investigation

Narrative Review
Prevention of drug diversion and substance use disorders among anesthesiologists: a narrative review Michael G. Fitzsimons, Gabriel Soares de Sousa, Arpine Galstyan, Vinícius Caldeira Quintão, Cláudia Marquez Simões Narrative Review

Systematic Review
Trans-nasal sphenopalatine ganglion block for post-dural puncture headache management: a meta-analysis of randomized trials Priyanka Dwivedi, Pratibha Singh, Tejas K. Patel, Vijeta Bajpai, Ankita Kabi, Yashpal Singh, Santosh Sharma, Surekha Kishore Systematic Review
Pericapsular Nerve Group (PENG) block versus fascia iliaca compartment (FI) block for hip surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Priscila P. Andrade, Rafael A. Lombardi, Isabela R. Marques, Anna Carla Di Napoli Andrade e Braga, Beatrice R.S. Isaias, Nicholas E. Heiser Systematic Review

Case Report
Quadratus Lumborum block as primary anesthetic technique for colostomy procedure: a case report Inês Vieira, Carla Pereira, Andreia Silva, Carlos Almeida Case Report
Anatomic barriers to paraspinal blocks: a cadaver case series Sandeep Diwan, Xavier Sala-Blanch, Abhijit Nair Case Report

Clinical Images
Tension pneumocephalus Sandeep Khanna, Carlos Trombetta, Kurt Ruetzler, Maged Argalious Clinical Images

Letter to the Editor
Medication adherence in treating non-oncologic chronic pain: a problem to solve? Emilie de Magalhães Pedreira, Viviane Borges Passos Mineiro, Luciana Maria Pondé Bastianelli Knop, Liliane Elze Falcão Lins-Kusterer, Durval Campos Kraychete Letter to the Editor
Genetic specification of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility is warranted for assessing fatigue, depression, and exercise intolerance Josef Finsterer, Fulvio A. Scorza, Carla A. Scorza Letter to the Editor
Brazilian version of the Heidelberg Peri-Anesthetic Questionnaire Luana Caroline Miantti Ghellere Bonfim, Nicole Morem Pilau Moritz, Luiza Daux Buffon, Eliane Traebert, Jefferson Traebert Letter to the Editor

Braz J Anesthesiol

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