Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Volume 57, Issue 4, 2007
57(4), 2007
Letter to the Editor
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.57 n4, 2007 Is it possible to use hydrocortisone to treat post-spinal anesthesia headache?
Fabiano Timbó Barbosa; Rafael Martins da Cunha
Letter to the Editor
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.57 n4, 2007 Reply
Cláudia Regina Fernandes; Lenilson Marinho Souza Filho; Josenília Maria Alves Gomes; Erick Leite Messias; Rodrigo Dornfeld Escalante
Letter to the Editor
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.57 n4, 2007 Dr. Consuelo Plemont Maia
* - † 09.12.2006
Luiz Eduardo Imbelloni
Scientific Article Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.57 n4, 333-343, 2007 Evaluation of 0.5% hypobaric bupivacaine in spinal anesthesia
Marcelo Cursino Pinto dos Santos; Eduardo Kawano; Ronaldo Contreiras Oliveira Vinagre; Rosangela Aparecida M. Noé
Scientific Article Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.57 n4, 366-381, 2007 The influence of epidural morphine in the pulmonary function of patients undergoing open cholecystectomy
Gilson Cassem Ramos; Edísio Pereira; Salustiano Gabriel Neto; Ênio Chaves de Oliveira; Roberto Helôu Rassi; Sílvio Pinheiro de Lemos Neto
Scientific Article Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.57 n4, 382-390, 2007 Comparison of the bispectral index in awake patients with cerebral palsy
Verônica Vieira da Costa; Rafael Villela S. D. Torres; Érika Carvalho Pires Arci; Renato Ângelo Saraiva
Scientific Article Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.57 n4, 391-400, 2007 Brainstem anesthesia after extraconal retrobulbar block: can it be avoided? Case report
Haroldo Maciel Carneiro; Bruno Oliveira; Marcos P. Ávila; Onofre Alves Neto
Clinical Information Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.57 n4, 401-405, 2007 Anesthesia in a patient with Marshall-Smith syndrome: case report
Beatriz Lemos da Silva Mandim; Neuber Martins Fonseca; Roberto Araújo Ruzi; Paulo Cezar Silva Temer
Clinical Information Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.57 n4, 410-413, 2007 Temporary lingual nerve dysfunction following the use of the laryngeal mask airway: report
Hugo Eckener Dantas de Pereira Cardoso; Durval Campos Kraychete; José A. Lima Filho; Luciano S. Garrido; Anita Perpétua Carvalho Rocha
Clinical Information Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.57 n4, 414-420, 2007 Subcutaneous emphysema during breast augmentation: case report
Talita Franco; Diogo Franco; Natan Treiger
Clinical Information
Review Article Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.57 n4, 421-430, 2007 Gastric emptying and chronic renal failure
Eunice Sizue Hirata; Maria Aparecida Mesquita; Gentil Alves Filho; Cecilia Hirata Terra
Review Article Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.57 n4, 431-444, 2007 Intra - and postoperative tremors: prevention and pharmacological treatment
Viviane Ferreira Albergaria; Michelle Nacur Lorentz; Frederico Augusto Soares de Lima
Review Article
Braz J Anesthesiol