Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Volume 29, Issue 4, 1979
29(4), 1979
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.29 n4, 336-338, 1979 A Dor como Comprovação da localização da Agulha no Espaço Peridural
Edmundo Zarzur, Kioyshi Saito
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.29 n4, 351-366, 1979 The patient who auto-administer drugs: Anesthetic considerations
Danilo Freire Duarte
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.29 n4, 367-377, 1979 Considerations on anesthesia for the patient with cardiac disease
José Roberto Nocite
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.29 n4, 378-385, 1979 Ekg during anesthesia with induced hypotension with sodium nitroprusside
Antonio Vanderlei Ortenzi, Álvaro Guilherme Eugênio
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.29 n4, 403-417, 1979 Anesthesia in patients bleeding after tonsillectomy
Alfredo Fernandes de Carvalho
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.29 n4, 418-429, 1979 Enflurane and epinephrine - A clinical appraisal in plastic surgery
Marildo A. Gouveia, Gilda Labrunie, Natan Treiger, Renato C. Ribeiro, Pierre Labrunie
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.29 n4, 430-438, 1979 Combination of althesin and enflurane in general anesthesia: a clinical evaluation
José Roberto Nocite, Benedicto lgnácio Barbosa, Vânia Alves Moreira, Adhemar Chagas Valverde
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.29 n4, 439-449, 1979 Resection of stenotic trachea: A case report
Suarez, R, Ayala, W, Fossemale, E, Piriz, H, Demoro, S, Arcos, J
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.29 n4, 349-350, 1979 Uma Filosofia de Conduta em Anestesia
Bento Gonçalves
Braz J Anesthesiol