Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Volume 35, Issue 6, 1985
35(6), 1985
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 425-426, 1985 Anestesia lnalatória: Reflexões e Perspectivas
José Roberto Nocite
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 431-435, 1985 Low flow gas anesthesia. Brody's number adjusted to oxygen consumption
Cunto J.J., Biagini J.A., Fernandes F, Rezende C
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 437-440, 1985 A new monitor of neuromuscular function
Duarte D.F., Lima WC, Silva M.C. S.A. J, Martins L H
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 441-446, 1985 Clinical evaluation of atracurium .
Duarte D.F., Pederneiras S.G., Teixeira Filho N, Linhares S
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 447-450, 1985 Pancuronium pretreatment and post-succinylcholine myalgias
lmbeloni L.E., Maia CP
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 451-456, 1985 Axillary brachial plexus block. Can motor block anticipate effective analgesia?
Oliveira R.M., Oliva Filho A.L., Araújo J TV, Almeida Neto MA, Freire R.B. S
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 457-462, 1985 Sedation for children examination
Luz CP
Scientific Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 463-468, 1985 Effects of metoclopramide and cimetidine on gastric juice, volume and pH
lmbeloni L.E., Maia CP
Scientific Article
Review Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 469-480, 1985 Aspects of massive blood transfusion
Carvalho A.F., Ferreira J J
Review Article
Special Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 491-493, 1985 Malpractice
Guimarães Filho, D F
Special Article
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 495-509, 1985 Anesthesia for the critically ill infant
Downes J.J., Betts E K
Special Article
Letter to the Editor
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 512-512, 1985 Com ''I'' ou com ''E''?
M. Katayma
Letter to the Editor
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 513-513, 1985 Bupivacaína O, 75% em Obstetrícia
Dr. Armando Fortuna
Letter to the Editor
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 514-515, 1985 Divergências de Opiniões Sobre Anestesia Quantitativa
José Maria Couto da Silva
Letter to the Editor
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 515-517, 1985 Perfuração Acidental da Dura-Máter com Cateter Peridural
G.M. Labrunie
Letter to the Editor
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 515-515, 1985 Resposta
Renato A. Saraiva
Letter to the Editor
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 517-518, 1985 Recuperação Prolongada Pós-Raquianestesia com Lidocaína 5%?
J R Moll
Letter to the Editor
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 519-520, 1985 Raquianestesia Hipobárica com Bupivacaína 0,15%
M.A. Gouveia, G.M. Labrunie
Letter to the Editor
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.35 n6, 520-520, 1985 Reanimação Cardiorrespiratória
Letter to the Editor
Braz J Anesthesiol