Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Volume 63, Issue 2, 2013
63(2), 2013
Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.63 n2, 2013 Zairo Eira Garcia Vieira
Edno Magalhães
Scientific Article Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.63 n2, 170-177, 2013 The effects of nitrous oxide on controlled hypotension during low flow anesthesia
Semiha Barçın; Leyla Sahan; Dilsen Ornek; Fazilet Sahin; Oya Kilci; Serpil Deren; Gulay Erdogan; Canan Un; Mehmet Gamli; Bayazit Dikmen
Scientific Article Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.63 n2, 178-182, 2013 Assessment of the effect of ketamine in combination with remifentanil on postoperative pain
Plínio Cunha Leal; Rioko Kimiko Sakata; Reinaldo Salomão; Eduardo Jun Sadatsune; Adriana Machado Issy
Scientific Article Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.63 n2, 193-196, 2013 There is high incidence of skin cells in the first and third drops of cerebrospinal fluid in spinal anesthesia
Mário Humberto Curado Taveira; Antonio Fernando Carneiro; Gustavo Gabriel Rassi; Marise Amaral Rebouças Moreira; Simone de Andrade Curado Taveira
Scientific Article Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.63 n2, 197-201, 2013 Relevance of routine testing in low-risk patients undergoing minor and medium surgical procedures
Danielle de Sousa Soares; Roberta Ribeiro Marques Brandão; Mirla Rossana Nogueira Mourão; Vera Lucia Fernandes de Azevedo; Alexandre Vieira Figueiredo; Eliomar Santana Trindade
Scientific Article Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.63 n2, 209-212, 2013 The effect of head Rotation on intraocular pressure in prone position: a randomized trial
M. Nuri Deniz; Arzum Erakgün; Nezih Sertöz; Suzan Güven Yılmaz; Halil Ateş; Elvan Erhan
Scientific Article
Clinical Information
Review Article Braz J Anesthesiol, vol.63 n2, 227-232, 2013 Occupational hazards and diseases related to the practice of anesthesiology
Daniel Volquind; Airton Bagatini; Gabriela Massaro Carneiro Monteiro; Juliana Rech Londero; Giovani Dani Benvenutti
Review Article
Braz J Anesthesiol