Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology


Volume 36, Issue 1, 1986

36(1), 1986


lnfluence of loco-regional anaesthesia adjuvant drugs on the post-ictal mortality by lidocaine, bupivacaine and pentylenetetrazol. Imbeloni L.E., Oliveira J.A., Frederick C J Editorial

Scientific Article

lntraocular hypotensive effects of diazepam. Cremonesi E, Rodrigues I.J., Mercucci V L Scientific Article
Vianna PT G, Castiglia Y MM, Lemonica L, Reis G F F, Rebel H K, Vaz J L M, Charneca M S, Binda Neto I, Vaz AC M, Geretto P, Gozzani J L - Vale N.B., Leite J R Scientific Article
Normovolemic hemodilution: use in cardiac surgery Katayama M, Cangiani L.M., Freitas J AH Scientific Article
Post-dural puncture with epidural needle headache prophylaxis by the use of 1.5% hypertonic saline solution. A non comparative study using etomidate on short duration surgical procedures. Scientific Article
Correlation between pH and glucose concentration in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and arterial blood in pediatric patients. Pereira J.B., François L.M. G, Pereira EM C Scientific Article
Anesthesia cost in an University Hospital. Costa D.A. A, Gomes J.A., Cobra Neto P, Matta M J Scientific Article
Horner's syndrome during epidural anesthesia for cesarean section. Cunto J.J., Biagini J.A., Fernandes F, Tincani F F Scientific Article
Neurovascular syndrome provoked by hyperabduction of upper leg. Castiglia Y MM, Ganem EM, Herkes E, Martini D.L. M, Fonseca J.W. M, Vianna PT G Scientific Article

Clinical Informations

Anaesthesia for thoracic surgery. lmbeloni L.E., Saubermann L F Clinical Informations
lnterpretation of arterial gasometry using a microcomputer Cheibub Z.B., Trachez M.M., Silva F.G. F, V ieira N, Facina R A Clinical Informations

Review Article

Anestesia para Cirurgia Torácica Ruiz Neto PP, Amaral R.V. G Review Article


Interpretação da Gasometria Arterial com Auxílio de um Microcomputador Pessoal Batista M P Miscellaneous

Letter to the Editor

A Arte da Anestesia lnalatória Mário José da Conceição Letter to the Editor
As Técnicas Anestésicas com o Sistema Fechado de Inalação JMC Silva Letter to the Editor
Does early treatment avoid excitatory complications of accidental subarachnoid gallamine injection? Joel Massari Rezende Letter to the Editor
Anesthesia in urology. A.F. Carvalho Letter to the Editor

Braz J Anesthesiol

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