Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Review Article

Neuropatias periféricas dolorosas

Painful peripheral neuropathies

Durval Campos Kraychete; Rioko Kimiko Sakata

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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: As neuropatias dolorosas são frequentes e muitas vezes de difícil tratamento. O objetivo deste texto foi fazer uma revisão para facilitar o diagnóstico e o alívio da dor. CONTEÚDO: Descreveram-se a classificação, as causas, o tipo de fibra envolvida, as manifestações, o diagnóstico, os exames complementares, os questionários usados para diagnóstico e os tratamentos. CONCLUSÕES: O tema é bastante amplo e envolve diversas causas e tratamentos que muitas vezes devem ser associados para o controle adequado da dor.




BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Painful neuropathies are common and often difficult to treat. The objective of this report was to review the subject to facilitate diagnosis and pain relief. CONTENTS: The classification, causes, type of fibers involved, manifestations, diagnosis, adjuvant tests, questionnaires used in the diagnosis, and treatment are described. CONCLUSIONS: The subject is very broad and involves several causes and treatments that often should be combined to obtain adequate pain control.


Polyneuropathies, Pain Measurement, Signs and Symptoms


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