Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology
Original Investigation

Recommendations from the Brazilian Society of Anesthesiology (SBA) for difficult airway management in adults

Recomendações da Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia (SBA) para manejo de via aérea difícil em adultos

Márcio P. Martins, Antonio V. Ortenzi, Daniel Perin, Guilherme C.S. Quintas, Mauricio L. Malito, Vanessa H. Carvalho

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Difficult airway management represents a major challenge, requiring a careful approach, advanced technical expertise, and accurate protocols. The task force of the Brazilian Society of Anesthesiology (SBA) presents a report with updated recommendations for the management of difficult airway in adults. These recommendations were developed based on the consensus of a group of expert anesthesiologists, aiming to provide strategies for managing difficulties during tracheal intubation. They are based on evidence published in international guidelines and opinions of experts. The report underlines the essential steps for proper difficult airway management, encompassing assessment, preparation, positioning, pre-oxygenation, minimizing trauma, and maintaining arterial oxygenation. Additional strategies for using advanced tools, such as video laryngoscopy, flexible bronchoscopy, and supraglottic devices, are discussed. The report considers recent advances in understanding crisis management, and the implementation seeks to further patient safety and improve clinical outcomes. The recommendations are outlined to be uncomplicated and easy to implement. The report underscores the importance of ongoing education, training in realistic simulations, and familiarity with the latest technologies available.


Airway management Difficult airway Intubation Laryngoscopy Anesthesia Consensus Videolaryngoscopy Human factors Extubation


Manejo de via aérea; Via aérea difícil; Intubação; Laringoscopia; Anestesia; Consenso Videolaringoscopia; Extubação


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